30 Vacation Ideas For Retirees Or Those on a Budget With the Cost for Each One

Retirement is a chapter of life that usually tops off decades of planning, preparing, saving, and investing.

For most, retirement is not just one big vacation, but if you have the means, traveling is one the top things to do with your newfound free time.

The same as anyone else planning a trip, retirees need to plan their vacations taking into consideration their fixed income.

Key Questions Include: What can you afford? What do you like to do? And how far do you want to go?

Stacker compiled a list of 30 vacation destinations that offer something for every retiree or traveler with a budget.  And, prices for these trip ideas are included!

Key West Florida

The southernmost city in the continental United States, Key West is America’s slice of the Caribbean. Fly direct, or take a road trip from Miami 

Monterey California

Located on the rugged and picturesque Central Coast of California, the area surrounding Monterey Bay is among the most scenic places on Earth—and there’s plenty to do.

Remote, beautiful, and welcoming, Iceland is an island paradise that betrays its name. With new low-cost carriers like PLAY, getting to Iceland may be cheaper than you thought!


Rugged, rain forested, and remote, Costa Rica is the heart of Central America and one of the biggest draws for retirees in all of Latin America.

Costa Rica

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