Are Timeshares Still A Thing in 2023? And Are People Buying Them?

When the Federal Trade Commission has a section on their website answering “What is a Timeshare,” you know there is confusion out there!  Today's timeshare looks a whole lot different than one your grandparents may have owned. 

That’s why I like to say that a Timeshare isn’t something you purchase on a whim, three margaritas deep, while on vacation.

It’s a legal contract and long-term financial decision that you should thoroughly understand and think through before buying.  

No matter what a salesman tells you, timeshare purchase deals will still be available after you get home, so take your time.

Today, a timeshare isn’t just one thing! The timeshare industry offers various products to match people’s different lifestyles and vacation preferences.

1. A Fixed Week

2. A Floating Week

3. An Allotment of Points

But Is It Something You Should Buy? Hear from an Owner of 15 years!

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