21 Road Trip Games To Make Travels Fun

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Gray Frame Corner

Do you have road trips planned for 2023? Perhaps to visit family or go on a vacation during school break?

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Gray Frame Corner

Pass the time enjoyably by playing games and laughing your way to your final destination.

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Gray Frame Corner

Here's 21 games to keep your kids entertained in the car, as well as blow off some steam at rest stops.

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Gray Frame Corner

1. Don’t Laugh! Take turns telling knock-knock jokes and trying to get each other to laugh.

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Gray Frame Corner

2. Going on a Trip The first player says, “I’m going on a trip. And I’m taking a balloon. The next person repeats the first item and adds one.

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Gray Frame Corner

3. And Then… In this game, everyone works together to create a story. The first person starts by setting up the scene with a sentence or two. They end with “and then…”

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Gray Frame Corner

4. Three Words Someone chooses three separate, unrelated items. Then, every other person creates a story using those three items.

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Gray Frame Corner

Get All 24 Games to Keep The Family Entertained

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Gray Frame Corner

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