Why Do Non-Owners Think That Timeshares Are a Scam?Survey Reveal the Surprising Answers

60% of people recently surveyed had little to no knowledge of timeshares, yet 77% would not consider owning a timeshare. Why is that?

In a word-association exercise, 62% of survey participants think "scam" or "rip-off" as the first thing that comes to mind about timeshares. But if they don't know much about them, where are they getting these perceptions from?

An new survey  explored the reasons why people think negatively about this billion-dollar piece of the travel world.

Word of Mouth 62% of those surveyed said friends or family members told them that timeshares are a scam

But Owners Themselves are Happy it may be shocking to learn that an overwhelming majority who own one enjoy them

So much so more than half of timeshare owners own more than one, and about 30% are looking to buy more

Other survey results report that 90% would rate their overall ownership experience as good or better

And  81% of respondents believe timeshare ownership allowed them to save money on their vacations

So Why Do Timeshares Have a Bad Reputation? Read The Full Article

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