21 of The Biggest Lies That People Need To Stop Believing
Most people know the feeling of being caught in a lie. But what about catching society in a lie? These are some of the biggest lies woven so tightly into American culture that it can be hard to see through them.
1: Wasted Votes
Many Americans view voting for third parties as a “wasted vote,” but that’s not true, according to several citizens. “I do it to protest,” says a moderate who can’t stomach voting Democrat or Republican with the current political conditions.
2: Closed Eyes
“I never saw your email,” and proceeding to blame the situation on spam folders is something that many people lie about, says someone who’s likely been around the office block a time or two.
3: Total Control
The phrase “I can stop any time I want” is one of the biggest lies people tell themselves, according to one commenter. People who struggle with addiction can surely relate.
4: Perception Flaws
No matter how unselfish you think you are, one commenter gives readers a reality check. Not everyone thinks and perceives things the same way you do, they say. Believing everyone sees the world through your eyes is a common lie too many people fall victim to.
5: Reality Check
The US government pushes the idea that Americans have total freedom, but this is false, according to several citizens. “You’ll never be free as long as you depend on something or someone else for anything and as long as anyone or anything else depends on you for anything.”
6: Greeting Flops
When asked how you’re doing, most people respond along the lines of “I’m fine.” But such a line is a lie people believe, despite many of us answering the same when we’re anything but fine.
7: Human Resource Fail
Contrary to what many employees believe, human resource (HR) departments aren’t in place to protect you, argues an employee who’s been blindsided one too many times. “HR exists to protect the company from the employees, not the employees from the company.”
8: Big Fat Wrong
A lie that drives one person crazy is that “the customer is always right.” Nobody is right all the time. How can a customer always be right?
9: Rags to Riches
The belief that people can quickly rise above poverty in the US is a total falsehood, argues several Americans. They cite generational poverty, expensive medical bills, and other unexpected expenses as situations that make it challenging for people to break into middle-class status.
10: Graduate Gloom
The concept of needing a college degree to land a good job is a full-out lie, says one commenter. Several people agreed.
11: Gum Mysteries
Did your parents ever tell you that gum sits in your intestines for years after you swallow it? One too many people enter their adult years believing that’s genuinely the case, a commenter says. Another person jokes, “I’ve been cultivating a gut gum garden for years, and I am shook.”
12: Punctuality Woes
Humans are a trusting bunch, and many of us give the benefit of the doubt when someone says, “I’m on my way.” But that’s often a lie, says a person who’s had enough experiences with the phrase to know.
13: Global Doom
People love to talk about how the world is getting more violent and poorer. However, such a concept is riddled with falsehoods, given that Homo sapiens have been around for around 200,000 years, and the first written records only date back a little over 5,000 years ago. How can one claim that the world is more violent and poorer now than it was for our early ancestors?
14: Where It Hurts
The phrase “I didn’t really mean to hurt your feelings” is a lie that too many people believe. “When somebody says that to me, I know they’re genuinely not sorry,” explains one of several people who agree with the sentiment.
15: Not So Flexible
Promoting Flex Time Off (FTO) as beneficial for the employee is an underhanded lie, according to a commenter. They explain that having unlimited time off ultimately benefits the employer; many employees are hesitant to take too much time off, and the employer doesn’t have to pay accrued vacation when they leave the company.
16: Center of Nothing
“Most people aren’t thinking about you,” says a commenter about a lie people believe. “They’re really thinking about themselves more times than not.”
17: TV Troubles
Many children are told not to sit too close to the TV because it’s bad for their eyes. The catch? It’s a myth. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, one’s proximity to a TV won’t damage their eyes. However, it can cause eyestrain.
18: Shaky Trust
The words “trust me” can be packed with lies, especially when you don’t know someone well. Be careful about who you trust, and always give weight to what your mind tells you.
19: Movie Love vs. Real Love
The kind of passionate, fairytale love you see in movies is a complete and utter lie, says a wise soul. “Love is absolutely real,” they clarify. “It’s just something you have to work for.”
20: A Spider Mouthful
Contrary to what the trending belief is, spiders don’t usually crawl into people’s mouths while they sleep. Don’t believe it? The Sleep Foundation confirms it, suggesting that this lie may have started because so many people fear spiders.
21: What Matters
A lie that seems engrained in human nature is that other people’s opinions matter, says a person who has risen above trying to impress and please everyone they meet. They urge people to recognize that one can be happy without listening to other people’s opinions.
Article Source: Reddit.