23 Common Spelling Errors That Drive Grammar Buffs Crazy
In the age of autocorrect and abbreviated text messages, many Americans don’t follow grammar to a tee. Frustrated grammar enthusiasts turned to the internet to vent about the grammatical mistakes English speakers need to fix once and for all.
1: Of and More Of
“Could of, would of, should of” are phrases one commenter sees written far too often. The catch? None are correct. “It’s have,” they clarify.
2: Breathing Wrong
Another commenter says the “of” mistake is their number one pet peeve. Their second biggest pet peeve is people “mixing up breathe and breath.” For those needing a refresher, “breathe” is the action of inhaling and exhaling; “breath” is a noun for the physical air one draws in when breathing.
3: Not the Same
English speakers mix up the words “weary” and “wary” far too often, says a grammar buff. Whereas “weary” means being extremely tired, “wary” is to be cautious. Another commenter chimes in with a mistake they often see: “I am wearying my favorite hoodie today.” The correct spelling is “wearing.”
4: A True Problem
English speakers mix up the words “pique” (feeling irritated or curious) and “peak” (the top of a mountain) embarrassingly often. “I feel like it’s miswritten more often than not,” comments a person who hates the grammatical error.
5: You Don’t Get It
To one grammar stickler, “you’re vs. your” is an all-too-common mistake they see people make. A fellow grammar enthusiast jokingly comes to the rescue. “I shall soothe you with the classic grammarian’s there, their, they’re.”
6: Freudian Slip
People often write “could care less” when what they intend to say is “couldn’t care less,” a commenter points out. “If you could care less, that means you care a little bit.”
7: Get It Right
One person had a few choice words for people who mix up “loose” and “lose.” While people who take a laid-back approach to grammar may not mind the error, the commenter explains, “They don’t sound the same, they don’t mean the same thing, [and] they are spelled differently.”
8: So Wrong
A grammar stickler says that most of the errors listed here drive them nuts, but there’s a notable one missing: When people spell “per se” as “per say.” It “makes me crazy,” they vent.
9: Let’s Talk About Commas
According to one commenter, there are fewer things as frustrating than seeing a common in the wrong place in dialogue. They give the example of “Anyways,” they said instead of “Anyways,” they said.
10: Wasting Away
Are you among the English speakers guilty of mixing up the words “waist” and “waste?” Whereas “waist” is the part of your body between your lower ribs and hips, “waste” is an unwanted or unusable material.
11: So Confusing
A grammar expert admits to “griping about” people mixing up the words “mortified” and “horrified” for as long as they can remember. They explain that mortified is to be humiliated or ashamed, whereas horrified is to show shock. “I’ve noticed more and more often, people use the former when they mean the latter.”
12: Get Woke
One commenter had seen people use the word “unconsciously” one too many times when they meant “subconsciously.” Here’s a crash course for you: “Unconsciously” means not being aware of one’s actions; “subconsciously” means being influenced by the mind without realizing it.
13: It Makes Me Shudder
“Shutter” and “shudder” may sound the same in spoken English, but they mean entirely different things when written. The word “shutter” is a noun for the hinged panels on a window. In contrast, “shudder” is a verb for trembling.
14: Everyday Problems
Putting a space between “every” and “day” changes the word’s meaning, a mistake that irks one grammar buff. They illustrate their point with this: “Seeing mistakes every day and very much hoping they don’t become everyday occurrences.”
15: Come Again?
“If you say you’re a part of something, that’s the opposite of being apart from it,” says a wise commenter. Another person jumps in, noting the irony of “how ‘a part of’ is spelled separately while ‘apart’ is written in one word.”
16: Literally Not
A grammar stickler says that 99% of the time, a person needs to use “actually” instead of “literally.” That’s actually quite a problem for many English speakers.
17: Got Caught
Gotten is a word “used way too often,” argues a commenter. “You only need to say ‘got.’” Another person agrees. Although “gotten” is correct, it’s “horribly overused.”
18: Definitely Defiant
Many English speakers need to go back to English class 101, according to a frustrated grammar fan. The word “definitely” means without a doubt, whereas “defiantly” means resisting.
19: The Chicken Debacle
Regardless of whether you believe the chicken or the egg came first, this much is true: “Lay means to lay an egg (for a chicken), the past tense and past participle of lay is laid.” The issue? People confuse it with “lie.” Grab a notebook for this one: “Lie means to lie down, the past tense of lie is lay, the past participle is lain,” says a commenter who’s driven nuts when people interchange these words.
20: Very Varying
There’s something about the words “very” and “vary” that many everyday English speakers have a knack for getting wrong. “Very” means actual or in a high degree; “vary” means to differ in size or degree.
21: Back to the Basics
One grammar wizard says it irks them when people write “u” instead of “you.” They wonder, “How hard is it to just write the first two letters?”
22: Super Annoying
People need to stop confusing “quite” and “quiet,” according to one commenter. They sound nothing alike and have entirely different meanings. “Quite” means, to an absolute extent, synonymous with “absolutely.” On the other hand, “quiet” means making little or no noise.
23: Gender Woes
Most native English speakers are clear on the difference between “women” and “woman” when talking. But writing them is a different story, with one grammar buff saying they’re driven mad by those who confuse the plural and singular of these words.
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Article Source: Reddit.